Tinel’s Sign (Ankle)

Orthopedic Exam / Special Tests for Physical Therapy: Leg, Ankle & Foot

Tinel’s sign aka Hoffmann or Patel’s sign is a tingling sensation triggered by a mechanical stimulus in the distal part of an injured nerve. This sensation radiates peripherally, from the point where it is triggered to the cutaneous distribution of the nerve. The tingling response can be compared with that produced by a weak electric current, as in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). This unpleasant sensation is not a severe pain and does not persist


Tinel’s sign is a way to detect irritated nerves. It is performed by lightly tapping (percussing) over the nerve to elicit a sensation of tingling or “pins and needles” in the distribution of the nerve.


Tinel’s sign is sometimes referred to as “distal tingling on percussion” or DTP. This distal sign of regeneration can be expected during different stage of somatosensory recovery


Special Test: Tinel’s Sign – Ankle

Tinel’s sign is a way to detect irritated nerves. It is performed by lightly tapping (percussing) over the nerve to elicit a sensation of tingling or “pins and needles” in the distribution of the nerve.


  • Anterior or Posterior Tibial Nerve entrapment or dysfunction

Video Demo Instructions, Procedure, Positive Test:

Tinel’s Sign (Ankle) Special Test: Video Instructions (Procedure below)

Special Test: Tinel’s Sign (Ankle) PROCEDURE: 

  • Anterior tibial branch of deep peroneal nerve is tapped in front of the ankle
  • The Posterior tibial nerve tapped as it passes behind the medial malleolus

Special Test: Tinel’s Sign (Ankle) POSITIVE TEST:

  • Tingling or Paresthesia felt distally