Orbicularis Oculi Strength Test:
Bell’s Palsy Test (Procedure Below)
Bell’s Palsy:
Bell’s palsy is the sudden weakness of one side of the face. It is often temporary and is attributed to the inflammation of the facial nerve that controls the muscles on the weakened side of the face. The 7th cranial nerve CN-VII is the nerve that is affected in Bells Palsy. Symptoms commonly develop over hours or days. The most common symptoms are (1) Weakness or complete paralysis of an entire side of the face, (2) an eyelid droop, (3) drooling from the affected side of the mouth, (4) pain around the ear, (5) smile contour affected, (6) inability to wrinkle the forehead, (7) Feeling of fullness or swelling to the affected side of the face, and (8) impaired sensation of taste or hearing.
Orbicularis Oculi Strength Test: BELL’S PALSY TEST
- To test for: To confirm Bell’s Palsy.
Video Demo Instructions, Procedure, Positive Test:
Orbicularis Oculi Strength Test: BELLS PALSY TEST Video Demo (Procedure below)
Orbicularis Oculi Strength Test: Bells Palsy Test: PROCEDURE
• Patient is seated.
• Patient keeps their eyes closed.
• Therapist tries to slowly open the patient’s eye on the affected side with their clean hands.
Orbicularis Oculi Strength Test: Bell’s Palsy Test: POSITIVE SIGN:
• Patient cannot keep their eyes closed against therapist’s resistance.