Ober’s Test

Orthopedic Exam / Special Tests for Physical Therapy: HIP Tests / PELVIS Tests

Modified Ober’s Test/ Ober’s Test:

The Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) is one of our hip flexors. This muscle sits laterally on our hips, attaching to the  Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS). The TFL then runs inferiorly and blends into the Iliotibial Tract (ITB). Muscles generally have a tendon at each end which attaches them from one bone to another. The TFL is one of a few exceptions as it blends into the ITB rather than its own tendon. It also shares the ITB with the Gluteus Maximus which has a similar blending of some of it’s fibers into the ITB.

The TFL flexes the hip as well as abducts the thigh and medially rotates the thigh. The ITB is a non contractile piece of tissue. This means it can’t become ‘tight’ of its own accord. However with the TFL attaching into it, if the TFL becomes tight, it will pull on the ITB and hence tighten it (note that the Gluteus Maximus also does this).

Special Test: Modified Ober’s Test / Ober’s Test


  •  To evaluate a tight, contracted or inflamed tensor fasciae latae (TFL) and iliotibial band (ITB).

Video Demo Instructions, Procedure, Positive Test:

Special Test: Obers Test: Video Demo (Procedure below)


Special Test: Obers test : PROCEDURE:

  • Patient is sidelying close to the edge of the table on the unaffected leg (with hip and knee flexed in a 90-degree angle).
  • Therapist stands behind the patient.
  • Flex hip and knee of the unaffected leg that is at the bottom
  • Stabilize the client’s pelvis with one hand
  • With the other hand grasping the medial aspect of the client’s affected knee,
  • Therapist places the affected knee in a 5° flexion angle, then fully abducts the lower
    extremity that needs to be tested,
  • Therapist then allows the force of gravity to
    adduct the affected leg (without rotating) until the hip cannot adduct any further.

Special Test: Ober’s test: POSITIVE SIGN:

  • The affected leg stays abducted and does not lower

Modified Obers Test:

The patient is positioned on the side of the unaffected leg with the unaffected hip in neutral position and the knee in full extension.

Modified Ober’s Test Video Demo: